For those who would like to develop their skills in this Japanese art, the Double Chrysanthemum is a more intricate and very traditional design, which is worked using an eight 'complex division' measurement and replicated six times around the ball.
Suitability - Advanced Suitable for students who have made several temari balls previously at beginner and intermediate level. This workshop is not suitable for those who have made one beginner's ball only.
Dates Saturday 8th November 2025 (places available)
Cost £59 per person including all materials and access to a YouTube tutorial after the workshop OR £35 per person if you wish to attend to continue with any intermediate or advanced temari design (bring your own materials). Access to video tutorials for alternative designs may be bought in advance for £10 per design if required - Temari Videos
Times 10.00 am. to 4.00 pm. with 45 minutes for lunch Arrival: from 9.30 am. Please note that you may start stitching from 9.30 am. if you wish.
Location Alstonefield Village Hall Postcode for Satnav - DE6 2FR Click for directions
Refreshments Tea & coffee is provided throughout the day, with home-made biscuits mid-morning and cake mid-afternoon.
What you need to bring A packed lunch. One pre-wrapped polystyrene ball* (so that we can start measuring at the start of the workshop).
* You are advised to use a larger size poly ball as your base - 70mm or 80mm. Although it is possible to work the design using a 60mm ball, it is easier to work on a larger ball. The ball should be wrapped to the cotton stage and be ready for measuring at the start of the workshop.
All other materials and equipment are provided. N.B. you will be provided with a 60mm poly ball as part of your 'kit'.
About the Workshop The workshop is limited to 12 persons, some of whom may be continuing to work on different intermediate or advanced temari designs. You will learn to measure out eight 'complex divisions' and work the Double Chrysanthemum design, one Chrysanthemum being effectively worked on top of another. Two different ways to work this design will be shown. There will be a range of coloured threads to choose from. A link to the video tutorial will be e-mailed after the workshop so that the ball can be completed at home. The photo collage below shows completed and part-completed balls from previous workshops.