Temari Ball for Beginners Learn the Japanese art of temari and how to wrap, measure and embroider a ball. Ladies of 17th century Japan would challenge each other to see who could embroider the most beautiful designs using scrunched up pieces of silk to create the core of the ball. Also originally used as toys for children, the temari balls became ever more intricate and ultimately became the decorative items they remain today. As an alternative to the workshop, a kit with online tutorial is available to purchase now - click here
Suitability - Beginners Level 1 Temari workshop, suitable for complete beginners and all abilities.
Dates Saturday 11th October 2025 (places available)
Cost £65 per person including all materials and access to a YouTube video tutorial after the workshop.
Times 10.00 am. to 4.00 pm. with 45 minutes for lunch Arrival: From 9.30 am. Please note that you may start stitching from 9.30 am. if you wish.
Location Alstonefield Memorial Hall (The Village Hall) Postcode for Satnav - DE6 2FR Click for Directions
Refreshments Tea & coffee is provided throughout the day, with home-made biscuits mid-morning and cake mid-afternoon.
What you need to bring A Packed lunch (Pins and a needle are included with your kit. Embroidery & paper scissors are provided for your use on the day. However you are welcome to bring your own sewing kit if you prefer).
About the Workshop The workshop is limited to 13 persons. In our workshop, we use a wrapped polystyrene ball as a base for the embroidery, thus ensuring a good round shape. You will learn how to wrap, measure out and embroider one ball, and will have a range of coloured threads to choose from (see below - please advise your preferred colourway in advance if possible. We will work the basic design pictured above and you will leave with one part-completed ball. A link to the video tutorial will be e-mailed to you after the workshop in order for you to be able to complete the ball at home. This tutorial includes instructions for a 2nd design for you to try after the workshop (pictured below).
Please choose your colourway in advance if possible
This is the kit that you will receive on the workshop as your 'materials' pack